Not long ago, tiny Aquinox Pharmaceuticals was trading at under $2.00; at $1.84, to be specific.1 Then something incredible happened… The company released positive mid-stage clinical trial results on their bladder pain drug.
Twitter went mad. The stock took off. By that afternoon, shares had traded up as much as 500%.2 Over the next two weeks nearly 18 million shares changed hands – roughly 90 times the stock’s 30-day average. By that Friday Aquinox hit a high of $22.13, a gain of 1,103%.3
Another stock, Celator Pharmaceuticals, recently jumped over 600% on positive Phase 3 results. That move took just seven days.4 Then Incyte Corp. went from $2.54 to $131 – a leap of 5,057% – on a series of positive news.5 And a whole slew of others have rewarded investors just as much. Spectacular profits, to be sure, and not as rare as you might think.
The trick, of course, is finding stocks that are about to soar…
RepliCel (OTCQB: REPCF / TSX.V: RP) could potentially achieve what no one else has been able to do before now.
Until advancements in stem cell therapy, there was no way for your body’s soft tissues to heal themselves effectively.6
This represents a monumental advance in the medical world.
The company’s scientists are figuring out how to use YOUR OWN CELLS to GROW HEALTHY NEW TISSUE.
RepliCel is pioneering the use of collagen-producing cells deep within your hair follicle to heal collagen-rich tissues such as aging skin and damaged tendons, as well as highly specialized cells to regrow hair for those suffering from pattern baldness.
Collagen represents 30-40% of all your body’s proteins, and is essential to the health of skin, tendons, hair, membranes, and connective tissue.7
It is the substance that holds your body together, and the breakdown of collagen is associated with numerous health conditions.
RepliCel is developing a way to deliver NEW COLLAGEN right within your own body, by taking a minute number of your healthy cells and replicating them in a lab, then reintroducing them into your body at the site of damage.
The result is “self-healing” tissues, with the goal of little to zero scar tissue or other hindrances to full function.
Nothing like this has been done before. The science is new, and it could be worth billions.
Right now Replicel has :
The continued advancement of three groundbreaking cell-based therapies based on positive data received to date. | |
An exclusive marketing license with global giant Shiseido of Japan, the fourth largest cosmetics and personal care company in the world; Shiseido is entirely financing clinical research ongoing now on RepliCel’s hair restoration therapy | |
A brand new proprietary next-generation dermal injector device with broad applications in the $3.2 billion facial rejuvenation market |
The Shiseido deal gives us confidence that the company’s technology and market potential are significant. After all, Shiseido doesn’t do business with any fly-by-night or unpromising company.
And with the continued advancement of these three products, you could see an increase in demand for the company’s stock.
Be sure to take immediate action and add RepliCel to your watch list, as this could be your best chance to profit from this regenerative medicine company.
“On the cusp of a revolution”
In 2012, the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to two scientists who discovered that certain mature cells can be reprogrammed to become new, immature cells capable of developing into any tissues in your body.8
That discovery was the extension of a revolution that is changing the future of medicine today, as scientists around the world race to develop cell-based therapies capable of REGENERATING HEALTHY TISSUE.
But while these two Nobel scientists and their colleagues were working on cell reprogramming, RepliCel’s researchers were leveraging a much simpler idea: find cells with a desired function, remove a few of them, grow millions more, and put them back into the patient where the cells’ function is designed to help the body heal itself.
Since the early 2000s, RepliCel’s scientists had been investigating cells hidden within the hair follicle as robust agents for regrowing hair and producing collagen, the primary protein in skin and tendons.
By 2003, they had discovered that your body’s dermal sheath cup (DSC) cells could induce NEW hair fiber growth, something once thought impossible.
Since then, RepliCel has discovered that other cells grown from your own dermal sheath can regenerate new skin and new tendons by producing the collagen that makes up these tissues. 9,10
That was the beginning…
Today RepliCel – an emerging biotech company well on its way to what could be a tremendous success story – is at the forefront of the regenerative medicine field.
That’s because cell-based medical therapies are the FUTURE.
The journal Science Translational Medicine calls cell-based therapeutics “the next pillar of medicine.” They say, “Today, biomedicine sits on the cusp of a new revolution: the use of microbial and human cells as versatile therapeutic engines.”11 | |
Mahendra Rao, director of the National Institutes of Health’s new Intramural Center for Regenerative Medicine says that cell therapies “could be paradigm-shifting for the healthcare field.”12 | |
Wendell Lim, PhD, director of the UCSF Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology, says that today we are “on the cusp of a revolution.”13 | |
The University of California at San Francisco says that “Treating patients with cells may one day become as common as it is now to treat the sick with drugs made from engineered proteins, antibodies or smaller chemicals.”14 |
Cell-based therapies are now being called the “third pillar” of medicine. First came small-molecule drugs produced by Big Pharma. Next came the genetic engineering revolution and targeted drugs developed by biotech firms. Finally, we have cell-based technologies.
Just like genetic engineering was a disruptive technology several decades ago, cell therapy is disrupting the medical landscape today.
The ability to regenerate tissue means that conditions can potentially be treated, not just managed, as has been the case with nearly all past drugs and biologic agents.
New technology puts your own cells to work to repair and rejuvenate your body
RepliCel (OTCQB: REPCF / TSX.V:RP) is working on unlocking the unique biological function of your body’s key cells to regenerate tissue.
Working tirelessly in their labs, company scientists discovered that the dermal sheath of your hair follicles is an excellent source of fibroblasts, the cells in connective tissue that produce collagen.
These cells are about five times more prolific than skin cells in their production of type 1 collagen, the major cell structure of skin and tendons.15
Collagen also plays a big part in renewing cells, and is responsible for maintaining the strength and elasticity of tendons and skin.
RepliCel aims to create therapies for conditions related to diminished collagen by generating new collagen-producing cells in a laboratory and then injecting them into targeted areas.
Two of the company’s products are for conditions where there are too few healthy fibroblasts, such as chronic tendinosis and damaged skin.
The third product is their treatment for pattern baldness, where there is a deficit of dermal sheath cup cells that are responsible for maintaining the hair fiber within the follicle.
Those cells are easily isolated and replicated under lab conditions.
RepliCel has developed cell manufacturing technology and procedures to commercialize these products. They have also developed specialized delivery devices which have unique potential for licensing for other medical and cosmetic uses.
And because tissue is regenerated from your body’s own cells, it means RepliCel’s risk profile may be lower than with most other drugs and biologics today. That translates to SHORTER CLINICAL TRIAL TIMELINES and LOWER COMMERCIALIZATION COSTS.
Their breakthrough cell-based hair replacement therapy has already been PROVEN EFFECTIVE in pre-clinical and Phase 1 preliminary results. Those results show that it can be…
Preliminary results show it could be more effective than any drug or topical treatment now on market!
This new cell-based technology has the potential to become the WORLD’S FIRST minimally invasive solution for hair loss.
There are three problems with hair transplants today. First, when transplanting hair follicles from one location of your scalp to another, there are only a limited number of follicles available to harvest.
Second, hair transplantation only achieves a satisfactory result when performed by a gifted surgeon, of which there are few.18
Third, hair transplantation is not an option women have commonly pursued, and a significant population of women suffer from hair loss.19
RepliCel’s cell therapy solves those problems:
With a cell transplant, there is no limit to the number of cells that can be grown to use in regenerating new hair fibers.21 | |
As a simple cell injection, even technicians can perform the procedure.22 | |
The technique is as effective on women as men.23
That means RepliCel’s therapy is likely as effective if not more than current products!
And once a person stops using Rogaine or its competitor, Propecia®, all the new hair falls out again. Treatment must continue indefinitely, which is a tremendous negative for users.59
What’s more, use of Rogaine results in an approximate 8-15% increase in hair density after 12 months of use. Propecia results are similar to Rogaine’s, with an approximate 7-14% density increase at 12 months.28
Plus, those products have serious side effects including erectile dysfunction and loss of libido.
By comparison, in early clinical testing, RepliCel’s proprietary treatment results in an average 11.8% density increase at JUST SIX MONTHS! And 70% of those responders averaged 14.3% DENSITY INCREASE! And so far, there have been no serious side effects recorded.29
Imagine what could happen when RepliCel’s technology hits the market. RepliCel could potentially own a big piece of the $3 billion hair replacement market shortly thereafter! These are all reasons why RepliCel is…
Setting up to revolutionize the $3 billion hair replacement market
The hair restoration market is valued at an enormous $3 billion a year,30 and is expected to grow by 30% a year through 2020.31
Yet current treatments are known to be only partially effective, or, in the case of surgery, time-consuming, painful, and prohibitively expensive.
In fact, the American Hair Loss Association states that, “Unfortunately, 99% of all products being marketed in the less than ethical hair loss treatment industry are completely ineffective for the majority of those who use them.”32
The hair restoration market is valued at an enormous $3 billion a year,30 and is expected to grow by 30% a year through 2020.31
Yet current treatments are known to be only partially effective, or, in the case of surgery, time-consuming, painful, and prohibitively expensive.
“A cure for baldness doesn’t leap to mind when one ponders the next advance in stem-cell research, but whoever manages to do it could become very rich.” – Erin Ellis, National Post17
With the global trend toward an aging population and the current lack of effective treatments for hair loss, the market is ripe for a NEW SOLUTION.
RepliCel’s innovative and proprietary therapy could be that solution as soon as it hits the market. This $3 billion market is ripe for the taking…
Now let’s take a look at this revolutionary technology.
RepliCel says its new breakthrough technology could grow new hair without transplants, creams, or pills!
Your scalp contains about 500 dermal papillae (DP) cells, and that number never changes. Your total number of DP cells determines the number and thickness of hair fibers.33
Current treatments such as Minoxidil, Propecia, or surgery DO NOT increase the number of DP cells.
Only dermal sheath cup (DSC) cells regulate the volume of DP cells, and therefore, hair fiber growth.
RepliCel’s solution is to deliver the missing DSC cells by collecting them from the back of the scalp and replicating them in a laboratory.
The cells are sourced from the back of the scalp, between the ears, because most balding people retain this area of hair. This hair is insensitive to the androgen hormone, which causes hair loss.
Millions of new cells are created in a lab and subsequently placed back into the scalp through only one or two injections. Once placed, the cells migrate to other hair follicles to GROW NEW HAIR.
The basis for the company’s science comes from research conducted in the early 2000s by noted hair biology and dermatology experts Dr. Kevin McElwee and Dr. Rolf Hoffmann, who originally discovered the critical cell responsible for hair follicle growth.60
Both scientists hold executive positions with RepliCel, too.
A patent for the discovery was filed in 2003, and is now accepted in Europe, Australia, Japan, Canada, and the United States. RepliCel has been working feverishly to perfect the science.
It is now being tested in human Phase 2 trials that began in July 2016 and is expected to complete in 2018.
But here’s the kicker: In Japan, where the clinical trial is taking place, new drugs and therapies CAN BE MARKETED after PHASE 2 TRIALS!37
And global giant Shiseido is PAYING 100% OF this CLINICAL RESEARCH IN JAPAN!57,58
World’s fourth largest cosmetics company partners with RepliCel for $35 million
This is where you see the BIGGEST STOCK GAINS.
Recognizing the critical importance of this phase, RepliCel actively sought a licensing partner to co-develop and commercialize the product that has advanced farthest through their pipeline, the hair regeneration therapy.
Their criteria for a partner was to find a company that would have the:
Expertise, cash, and infrastructure to conduct late-stage product trials
| |
Experience and distribution pipeline to commercialize that product | |
Opportunity for ongoing joint product development
| |
Intimacy with regulatory environments |
Shiseido, a global giant and the world’s fourth largest cosmetics and personal care company, fit the bill perfectly.
The company is known as a premiere luxury brand with global reach and a robust family of products. Their licensing partners have included Johnson & Johnson,35 Dolce & Gabbana, Puig, Burberry, and Harvard University, among others.36
“Japan cosmetic maker Shiseido has been working with RepliCel Life Sciences in Canada to develop their own regenerative process and aims to introduce a treatment as early as 2018.”
– John Boyd, Forbes, July 13, 201627
– John Boyd, Forbes, July 13, 201627
Shiseido has committed $35 million to RepliCel to advance the hair restoration project. What’s more, Shiseido is PAYING 100% of the CLINICAL AND COMMERCIALIZATION COSTS in their market.
Additionally, new clinical trial regulations in Japan mean that commercialization of the product could potentially occur as early as 2018!
Company aims to provide millions with better, more youthful skin
Every year, more than eight million facial aesthetics procedures are performed, and the market is growing at 40% per year. Botox® and Dysport® are two of the most common procedures.38
Botox alone helped propel Allergan Pharmaceuticals to be a multi-billion dollar company that in 2015 merged with Pfizer in a blockbuster deal.
RepliCel’s new (RCS-01) cell-based skin rejuvenation treatment could launch RepliCel to enormous success!
Just think, no more aging, sagging skin. We’re betting investors are going to flock to this company just based on the skin technology alone.
Like the company’s hair replacement technology, RepliCel’s skin rejuvenation technology is a proprietary cell therapy. This one is based on non-bulbar dermal sheath cells derived from the hair follicle.
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial began recruiting subjects in 2014 in Dusseldorf, Germany governed by the Paul Ehrlich Institut.39
The co-founder of RepliCel, Dr. Rolf Hoffmann, is located in Germany, and is leading the trials. The technology was first developed by Dr. Hoffmann and Dr. Kevin McElwee in their lab at the University of Marburg in Germany.
The purpose of the study is to assess the safety profile of the treatment, as well as to measure its impact on skin aging.
Endpoints will be the product’s efficacy at six and 12 months.
An analysis at the six-month mark should be announced ANY DAY NOW and may show that the RepliCel treatment is SAFE and demonstrates its potential to be EFFECTIVE.
This announcement could result in VERY POSITIVE NEWS for RepliCel.
Breakthrough efficacy in reversing skin damage
The company’s proprietary technology is based on replacing damaged fibroblasts in the dermis skin layer.
Fibroblasts damaged by aging, the sun, smoking, and other factors stop producing healthy amounts of collagen. As a result, the skin loses its texture.
RepliCel’s therapy is targeted to aid damaged skin by introducing collagen-producing fibroblast cells directly to the affected areas. These cells are expected to produce normal fibroblast activity, including collagen and other proteins that renew the structure and thickness of the skin.40
The injection of collagen-rich fibroblasts is designed to reverse skin damage. Acne and burn scars are also targets for the company’s skin therapies.
A $3.2 billion market for RepliCel’s innovative skin rejuvenation product
Most of the rest of the market is hyaluronic acid fillers, totaling more than $1.2 billion a year. That market is growing at 31.5% per year.41
Both of those therapies are temporary, and must be renewed every few months. RepliCel’s therapy, though, is anticipated to be LONG LASTING, because it is based on rejuvenating your tissue using your own cells.
If proven effective, this will be an extraordinary advancement for the cosmetic dermatology market. Until now there has been no procedure that can actually regenerate new skin.
The market for this procedure would be tremendous, replacing not just fillers, but most types of cosmetic dermatology. That market is $13.1 billion dollars in the U.S. alone, and growing rapidly.42
RepliCel’s goal now is to identify a business partner for pre-commercial licensing, like the Shiseido partnership for hair replacement.
This strategy will minimize overhead and maximize research and development output.
Consider researching REPCF today… or keep reading to discover how RepliCel’s third product could change the face of tendon repair forever.
Revolutionizing tendon repair
The current state of tendon repair is dismal.
Surgically-cured tendons heal slowly and typically fail to regain their full function due to the presence of scar tissue or lack of regeneration of fibrocartilage at the tendon-to-bone junction. The result is repeated ruptures, joint stiffness, and restricted movement.44
But RepliCel’s tendon repair procedure could CHANGE all that.
The company’s BREAKTHROUGH SCIENCE is based not on repairing tissue, but regenerating it.
Up to 90% of healthy tendon is comprised of collagen, but after a series of injuries or as a patient ages, the tendon’s fibroblasts are exhausted of the ability to produce enough collagen to maintain tendon health.
RepliCel’s procedure extracts your own non-bulbar dermal sheath cells from hair follicles to initiate COLLAGEN PRODUCTION.45 Those cells are then used to regenerate NEW cells that are then placed into the damaged tendons.
These dermal sheath cells are a more robust source of collagen-rich fibroblasts than other cells in your body.
The process mimics the NATURAL course of tendon healing by restoring the necessary volume of collagen-producing cells in the aged or injured tendons.
The normal healing of the tendon then progresses naturally.
Treatment results: Pain-free after three years of chronic pain
In a test of the concept, three small studies were performed by clinical collaborators of RepliCel in the United Kingdom exploring the potential for fibroblasts to treat chronic injury in the ankle, knee and elbow. The results were AMAZING.
For example, one 63-year old male who suffered chronic tendinosis for three years became completely pain-free after implantation of dermal sheath cells healed the tendon.
The new cells reduced the tendon thickness, accomplished the growth of organized collagen fibers, and resulted in complete healing and elimination of all pain with a return to normal tendon structure and function.
Latest trial data is in, completing a randomized, placebo controlled Phase 1-2 trial in Vancouver, British Columbia.
On March 28th, 2017, RepliCel released what it described as “compelling” safety and clinical data from its phase 1 of 2 tendon repair study investigating the use of RepliCel’s Type 1 collagen-expressing, fibroblasts (RCT-01) as a treatment for Achilles tendinosis.
The company’s chief medical officer, Dr. Rolf Hoffman commented, “I am very pleased that in this trial we see some early signals of regenerative healing in some patients and because of its similar pathogenesis, there is every reason to believe the ability to heal Achilles tendons will extend to numerous applications including repairing the patellar tendon of the knee (jumper’s knee), both tendons of elbow (tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow) and the rotator cuff.
“Furthermore, when we have established that our cell therapy heals chronic tendon injury, it may then be used by physicians for more acute injury with the goal of an approved label for these additional treatments in the future.”
A $5 billion market…growing to $9.4 billion by 2024
The entire orthopedic soft tissue repair market is expected to nearly double in the next seven years, growing by 88% by 2024.46
Growth is being driven by the world’s aging population, as well as the rising number of sports injuries over time.
Right now there are two million sports injuries in the U.S. every year, mostly comprised of soft tissue injuries, including 30,000 hospitalizations annually.47
RepliCel’s current clinical trial addresses only tendinosis of the Achilles tendon, but there could be equal application to any of the body’s tendons, including rotator cuff, heel, knee, elbow, calf, wrist, and shoulder.
This could be a game-changer within the orthopedic soft tissue market!
like RepliCel Life Sciences Inc.’s at this small valuation, I’m buying.” – Eden Rahim, Theta Strategy Capital
Their remarkable therapy will ultimately not need to go through the entire clinical trial process on each of those conditions, either.
The pent up demand for effective repair is tremendous. That’s what makes this even more exciting!
Now is the time to research this fast-emerging company.
RepliCel’s proprietary technology makes tissue repair quick and easy
There is an old saying, “keep it simple, stupid.” A more elegant version of the same saying is Occam’s razor, which tells us that the simpler explanation or action is usually better.
For each of the company’s three therapies the process is the same.
First the condition is diagnosed. A biopsy is taken from the scalp, after which the cells are transported to a lab and isolated from the hair follicle.
After that 5-8 week process, the new cells are then mixed with a carrier and frozen, then transported back to the clinic of origin, where the new cells are injected back into the patient by RepliCel’s proprietary device.
This process represents a low technical, clinical, and risk profile for the company.
Besides the above therapies in clinical trial, RepliCel also has several proprietary devices in development, including a dermal filler injection device.
Making dermatological filling easier and more controllable
While developing a next-generation injection device to deliver their therapies, the RepliCel team realized they were developing something that could radically improve the injection and outcomes of products already on the market. The company hopes to license one of those devices to companies that are already marketing their own cosmetic facial fillers, such as Allergan, Galderma, or Hyalgan.
These procedures have smaller incisions, less pain, reduced scarring, and lower incidence of complications.
Dermal fillers are used to plump skin and restore collagen lost due to the aging process. Depending on the type of dermal filler used, results last from six to 24 months.
Delivering a uniform, uninterrupted flow of material has proven difficult with current injection devices.49 Incorrect application can result in droopy eyelids, total paralysis around the area of injection, dry eye, and unsightly abnormalities in movements of the mouth.50,51
But RepliCel’s innovative new device automates the injection process to create even flow, accurate placement, and maximum volume and depth control for consistent results.
This means fewer injections, reduction in use of local anesthetics, and greater ease for the practitioner; and better looking results, more comfort, decreased bruising, and reduced swelling for the patient.
The patented device enhances delivery of a variety of injectables, including cells, dermal fillers, drugs, or biologics.
Nearly six million dermal filler procedures are performed every year
Today there are nearly six million dermal filler procedures performed every year worldwide. And with a growing market, that number will only rise.
RepliCel’s proprietary, patented injector could provide a revolution in performance for both practitioners and patients. The company recently announced the granting of two patents in Europe related to its multi-needle dermal injection technologies.
The company is already in confidential licensing discussions with leading companies that already sell injectable products. We’re projecting that a deal could be finalized theoretically within the next few months, though this is simply our educated guess.
All of these innovations – the hair replacement therapy, the skin rejuvenation therapy, the tendon repair therapy, and the dermal injection device – are being brought to you by a seasoned management team that is working relentlessly to build shareholder value.
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