Sunday, June 7, 2015

Why Organovo Stock Is a Top Biotech Stock to Buy in 2015

Image result for OrganovoOne of our favorite biotech stocks of 2015, Organovo stock, has climbed 41% since the end of March. And that's just the start for this revolutionary biotech investment.
You see, Organovo Holdings Inc. (NYSEMKT: ONVO) is part of one of the most exciting biotech industries on the market. It's called 3D bioprinting, and the applications are huge.
Here's a closer look at the 3D bioprinting market and why it's providing us with such a great investment opportunity.

Organovo Stock and the Potential of 3D Bioprinting

Organovo stockBioprinting refers to Organovo's process of developing functional human tissues that are used in drug development, biological research, and as therapeutic implants for degenerating tissues and organs.
"Organovo makes the tissue with an exciting new technology called 3D Bioprinting, which identifies key architectural and compositional elements of a target tissue," Money Morning Bioscience Investing Specialist Ernie Tremblay said. "It then creates a design that can be utilized by a 'bioprinter' to generate that tissue in the laboratory."
This allows doctors and researchers to provide "personalized medicine" to their patients. Instead of a "one-size-fits-all" treatment for thousands of patients, these work differently for every patient based on his or her needs.
Image result for Organovo"The idea is simply this: with current technologies, it's possible to design drugs, such as cell therapy products, that can be altered or optimally combined to fit the genetic and morphological profile of each individual patient, often recruiting his or her own immune system into the fight," Tremblay said.
"Personalized medicine could provide real-life 'magic bullets' for diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's and ulcerative colitis)," he continued.
And the applications stretch far beyond diseases.
"This field also holds the promise of miraculous treatments for severe spinal injuries, joint and bone repair, and organ replacement," Tremblay said.
There is some serious money flowing into personalized medicine, too. According to the Alliance of Regenerative and Personalized Medicine, cell therapies have already generated $900 million in revenue. At the end of 2014, more than 160,000 patients had received treatment.
Organovo is at the forefront of that market, and it already has these important partners…

Why We Recommend Organovo Stock Now

ONVO has agreements with numerous institutes and private companies like the United Therapeutics Corporation, the Knight Cancer Institute, and the Michael J. Fox Foundation, among others.
And the best part about Organovo stock is its low price. Even after climbing 41% in the last two months, the stock still trades near $5 per share. That means ONVO still has plenty of upside.
Other companies in this field have already seen tremendous growth. Biogen Idec Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB) and Amgen Inc. (Nasdaq: AMGN) are two of the biggest names in the field, but their upside is limited. They've both already climbed 710% and 190% in the last five years respectively.
Organovo is still small, with a market cap just over $400 million. It's a development-stage company, so it does come with a little bit more risk. But the upside is huge.
"The possibilities for using this company's products in both medical research and in clinical applications represent limitless income potential – and, I believe, an extraordinary opportunity for the long-term investor," Tremblay said.
The Bottom Line: Personalized medicine and 3D bioprinting offer tremendous potential to patients and investors. More than $900 million has already poured into the market, and that's just the start. Our favorite play on the market is Organovo stock. It's a development-stage company with plenty of upside.

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