Saturday, May 16, 2015

Tribute To Blues Legend - BB KING


Moments, ever so fleeting
Like shadows in the dark....
Leave impressions etched in stone.
Moments of bliss -moments of ecstasy...
Moments of sorrow - moments of pain
Brewing emotions that wrench the heart.

Moments, like an ever rolling stream
Transport us through time and space....
In this transient journey called life;
Moments of quite contemplation....
Of first steps and giant leaps -
Moments of despair and confusion
Of the signs on every mile-post.
Moments, like the colors of the rainbow-
Blue, green, red and yellow....
Cast a shade on the picture we paint.
With every brush stroke
Leave your mark.......
Moment, by moment, by moment -
Quilting masterfully
A bright and radiant tomorrow.
Hope Kalé Ewusi

When I am not blogging about stocks, I pass my leisure time writing poems and playing my guitar. BB king's blues phrasing - his melodic tones inspired me to learn how to play the blues. His passing is a tribute to a life with purpose ....of defying all odds to reach the apex of his chosen craft. In the light of the fore-going, I have co-opted one of my poems entitled "MOMENTS" to pay homage to the genius, legend and life  "Blues Boy King" 

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