Thursday, May 21, 2015

This is the next big thing according to Mark Cuban

If you ask Mark Cuban what the next big thing in technology is, you'll get an answer straight out of a science fiction film. "I'm invested in a lot of companies related to sensors," Cuban said in Chicago at the iCONIC conference on Tuesday. Whether it's a digital tracker placed on buildings to monitor the surrounding area or a tattoo patch that can analyze chemical structures in the human skin, the future is all about health-care technologies. (Tweet this). Read MoreCuban's advice to entrepreneurs: 'Help yourself!' He noted that the innovative tech in the pharmaceutical sector is going to be a game changer for the health-care industry and humanity as a whole. "I've got a 5-year-old son. By the time he's 25, the idea of going to a drugstore and buying over-the-counter medication will seem barbaric," Cuban said. "He's going to say, 'Dad, what do you mean? You bought this medicine and on this over-the-counter-medicine there was a warning that said you might be the one unlucky schmuck that dies from this. And you actually bought it and paid for it?' " "You don’t live in the world you were born into." -Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks owner Personalized medicine is the way of the future, according to the billionaire and owner of the Dallas Mavericks. New data analytics will aid physicians to better understand their patients' needs and potentially begin to diagnose diseases in earlier stages than traditional methods. Cuban has invested in companies such as Mobile OCT, which has created a mobile colposcope to help improve cervical cancer detection. He's also financed Electrozyme, which focuses on temporary tattoos that analyze the chemical compounds of sweat, and Validic, a company that makes data collection easier for health-care companies and physicians via mobile health apps and devices. Read MoreHow to make $100 million selling optimism "You don't live in the world you were born into," he added. Cuban expects that humanity will reach a point in the next few decades where scientists will be forced to rewrite the human genome altogether. "There is going to be a time 25 years from now that, depending on what happens with global warming or the lack thereof, or however you want to think about it, where we are going to try and reverse engineer evolution and natural selection. We're going to say, since already screwed up or enhanced the Earth, how can we change ourselves in order to match what our environment is going to be?" Yes, he's talking about genetically modified humans. "It's already happening," said Cuban. "It's just who makes it work. How do we deal with it? Do we allow it? Do we not allow it? What are the ethics?" By Sarah Whitten Source:

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