Sunday, January 22, 2012


Brother man
Give me your hand
I’ve come to share with you
The troubles of your land;
Rheumy eyes tell your story
With troubled gaze:
That your stomach so bloated
Is with hunger filled…..
That your fields so vast and golden
Are as thirsty as the plains of Hades
That your kin who once garnered
Now prostrate before the king’s table.
Long is the way to the king’s table-
But short is the cable
To a brother’s heart.

StarvingBrother man-
Clasp my arm with your claws…
Keep on at your pace;
Come with me to another time
Come with me to another place
Where MAN does for LOVE
Things we often do for MONEY!
See who come there….
In dark robes and white collar –
Trying to sell an old story;
Hold it mister white collar!
Another time – another place
Give hungry man bread
And he will be glad……
To call you brother.


Hope KalĂ© Ewusi ©

 As you read this, bear in mind that there is a drought ravaging the Horn Of Africa......thousands are dying
of starvation.Have a heart.....DO SOMETHING TODAY ! Join UNICEF today....please click the link below & donate 

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