Wednesday, August 23, 2017

After The Eclipse -

A crowd in Salem, Ore. observed the beginning of the eclipse. CreditDon Ryan/Associated Press

Where were you on August 21st 2017 ? I am you along with legions across America were waiting with great anticipation to witness a once in a life time event. I watched in Atlanta where we barely had the full effect of the phenomenon. The most we got was an aspect of fading dawn yet all the same , the emotions were quite palpable as people were moved to tears and were just happy to be alive on this special day. People donned special eclipse goggles, others wore souvenir shirts which I am sure will become special mementos and keepsakes for posterity. Below this article you have the opportunity to purchase  souvenir T - Shirts to keep and to share with friends and family. Enjoy the video below which shows revelers in Oregon savoring the moment of total eclipse of the sun.

The Weather Cooperated In Some Places, Less In Others.

Some viewers expected disappointment as clouds filled the skies on their parcel of the path to totality.

At Homestead National Monument Of America in Beatrice, Neb., the whole thing seemed in doubt. " Go away , clouds," people chanted briefly as totality approached with the sun mostly obscured by a storm cloud.
A few minutes later, when the sun became partially visible, the crowd cheered loudly.

When totality started, the sky turned dark, a few sparrows fluttered past and a star became visible. But it was several seconds until the sun poked through a gap in the clouds, prompting gasps and applause.

• A total solar eclipse made contact in Oregon just after 1:15 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, darkening skies as the moon obscured the sun and cast a long shadow across Earth.
• It concluded its path just before 3 p.m. in South Carolina, where clouds obscured the moment of totality.
• Weather may have been an obstacle to completing some solar research during the eclipse.
• In Washington, where the sun was about 80 percent obscured, President Trump and the first lady, Melania Trump, took in the partial eclipse at the White House.

In Salem , Ore., there were hugs , and screams and tears, punctuated by cheers when the planet Venus became visible just before totality. If you missed out on eclipse souvenirs, here is you chance to purchase a custom designed shirt - comes in assorted colors and sizes . Click link to purchase :

Total Eclipse Of The Sun August 21st 2017 Gold T-Shirt FrontTotal Eclipse Of The Sun August 21st 2017 Red T-Shirt Front

Total Eclipse Of The Sun August 21st 2017 Orange T-Shirt FrontTotal Eclipse Of The Sun August 21st 2017 Team Purple T-Shirt Front

Purchase here

Fashionable design in commemoration of a once in a life time event - the Solar Eclipse of 2017. A conversation piece and a keepsake for posterity

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