Friday, August 24, 2012


Buy This Stock Immediately

Our favorite dead automaker is showing signs of life.
For most of this summer, we’ve warned you to stay away from Ford (F – NYSE).
We love Ford’s dogged determination to succeed on their own without Washington bailouts or overseas buyouts.
Unfortunately, the market wasn’t sharing the love.
But now, we’re seeing something completely different: F shares are putting in a 3X Buy Signal Stack.
• 1x: Price broke the old falling trend when it has crossed up and over the 50-moving average.
• 2x: We have the first half of a MACD Buyers Cross.
• 3x: A/D has shifted to accumulate.
Bottarelli Research Tip: The last two times F presented this signal, share price rose an average of 18.51% over the next three weeks. We advise that you buy shares of F immediately.
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